Neighborhood Villages

Neighborhood Villages envisions a transformed, equitable early education and child care system that lifts up educators and sets every child and family up to thrive.

Who We Are

Neighborhood Villages designs and scales innovative and collaborative solutions to the biggest challenges facing early education and child care providers serving families with young children ages 0-5 and advances sustainable, equity-driven systems change through advocacy, education, and policy reform. 

Our Work

Neighborhood Villages advocates for early education and care policy reform and implements innovative and scalable solutions that address the biggest challenges facing early education and care providers and the families who rely on them.

While we fight for reform, we show systems change in action.

Why We Do it

This is about equity - for children, for families, and for communities. Access to early education and child care is foundational: it’s a multigenerational driver of education attainment, employment opportunity, financial security, and economic mobility.

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