Where We Work

We begin our work in partnership with a network of early childhood education providers in Greater Boston to identify shared challenges, and then co-design, test, and evaluate solutions. What works, we seek to scale in partnership with government to ensure the broadest impact. Informed by the outcomes of our direct service work, we also support a robust portfolio of policy, research, and advocacy work to advance the lasting reform needed to transform our broken sector into a high-functioning, equitable system. 

Local Partnerships

We believe that those closest to the child care crisis are closest to the solutions. That's why we begin our work in partnership with a network of early education and care providers serving high-needs families, and approximately 3,500 people, in Greater Boston.  

The Neighborhood is a network of independent early education and care providers with whom we partner to identify shared challenges and then co-design, implement, and evaluate high-touch solutions, from our Learning Through Exploration curriculum to our Early Relational Health program.

The Village is the next step: Where we partner with a larger cohort of providers to test the scalability of solutions piloted in The Neighborhood, delivering lighter-touch, centralized services from professional development to durable good distributions that can be scaled efficiently and effectively.


What we test in The Neighborhood that proves successful, we work to scale in partnership with the public sector statewide. Our dedicated efforts focus on encouraging government adoption of our direct-service programs, practices, and tools. This, in turn, aims to increase family access to high-quality early childhood education and comprehensive support services, while also enhancing opportunities for educators to engage in professional development. 

Our track record includes:

  • Partnership with the Commonwealth to operate a first-in-the-nation COVID-19 testing program

  • The successful scale of multiple workforce development programs, including our Early Childhood Education Apprenticeship program

  • Partnership with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to bring instructional coaching into early education classrooms across the state

  • A new pilot to bring urgently needed early education services and material goods to serve young children living in the state’s shelter system


Throughout the country, we advocate for early education and care policy reform and implement innovative, scalable solutions that address the biggest challenges faced by providers and the families who rely on them.

We specialize in taking our ground-level, strategic interventions in the early education and care sector, and advocate for the public investment they need and deserve on the policy level.

Our hit podcast No One is Coming to Save Us helps amplify our voice and impact within the child care movement.

Neighborhood Villages Work In Action