The Policy Pulse

What to Know, What to Do, and What's Next in Early Childhood Education

En Español: Policy Pulse #7
Espanol Annamaria Orlandi Espanol Annamaria Orlandi

En Español: Policy Pulse #7

En cada número de Policy Pulse, encontrará una descripción general de lo que está sucediendo con Massachusetts y la política nacional de cuidado infantil e información sobre lo que puede hacer para tomar medidas y unirse al movimiento por un sistema de cuidado y educación temprana transformado. También encontrará recursos, informes y herramientas de promoción.

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Policy Pulse #7
English Annamaria Orlandi English Annamaria Orlandi

Policy Pulse #7

In this issue of the Policy Pulse we share recent electoral and legislative wins for early education and care and important updates from the most recent Department of Early Education and Care Board meeting.

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Policy Pulse #6
English Annamaria Orlandi English Annamaria Orlandi

Policy Pulse #6

In this issue of the Policy Pulse we share updates on several key areas of early education and Care in Massachusetts: Commonwealth Cares for Children (C3), Child Care Financial Assistance (CCFA) and higher education opportunities for early educators. We also share several upcoming events and important information on registering to vote.

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Policy Pulse #5
English Annamaria Orlandi English Annamaria Orlandi

Policy Pulse #5

In this issue of the Policy Pulse, we're excited to share our recap of the Department of Early Education and Care's (EEC) September board meeting, provide an overview of the new policy framework and rules for the Commonwealth Cares for Children (C3) operations grants program, and share opportunities to get involved with Neighborhood Villages' advocacy work in the coming year.

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Policy Pulse #4
English Annamaria Orlandi English Annamaria Orlandi

Policy Pulse #4

In this issue, we share additional analysis on the impact of the Massachusetts state budget and gear up for the fall by looking ahead to forthcoming EEC meetings, Task Force and other reports, and events this September. 

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