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Common Start Hearing

This fall, the Massachusetts Legislature is considering two bills that would make child care more affordable for more families. We need you to share your story for the Legislature’s upcoming hearing on An Act providing affordable and accessible high quality early education and care to promote child development and well-being and support the economy in the Commonwealth (H.489/S.301), commonly known as the “Common Start” bill.

The bill would:

  1. Make care more affordable for more Massachusetts families.

  2. Make direct-to-provider operations grants permanent.

  3. Promote increased compensation for early educators.  

Legislative hearings are when elected representatives and senators in the MA Legislature get input from the public about bills that advocates like us are hoping to see passed into law. Legislative hearings offer the opportunity for families, providers, and educators to tell their legislators what needs to be done to fix the child care crisis. You can do this by submitting what's known as testimony - it's a way to share your story, your needs, and your demands. Find more ways to get involved here.

Details: 11AM on Tuesday, October 17th at the MA State House in Gardner Auditorium