Sufficient & Effective Funding
To create a child care sector that works for everyone, we must fully fund policy reform for early education and care. In Massachusetts and beyond, we are fighting for sustained – and increased – funding for key elements of the early education and care sector.
Read more about the Commonwealth Cares for Children (C3) Grant Program and the true cost of providing high quality care in our resources below.
On the Commonwealth Cares for Children (C3) Grant Program:
On the Cost of Providing High Quality Care:
Read More About Funding Prior to 2023
Fact Sheet: Commonwealth Cares For Children (C3) Operations Grants: Critical to Sustaining and Growing the Capacity of Massachusetts’ Early Education and Care Sector (published February 2023)
Fact Sheet: Commonwealth Cares for Children (C3) Stabilization Grant Program: Critical for Sustaining the Capacity of MA’s Early Ed and Care Sector (published Spring 2022)
Policy Paper: Overview of the Massachusetts Commonwealth Cares for Children (C3) Stabilization Grant Program (published April 2022)